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Join us at the 2024 Annual Conventions of the European Consumer Credit industry and of the European Leasing industry in Spain. The Conventions are held in parallel at the same location in order to offer a unique meeting platform to business leaders active in these sectors. They are the only yearly events organised by the industry for the industry at European level.

Julie Debruyne

the Eurofinas / Leaseurope Secretariat

Simanis Ezerins

Communications & Sponsorships

Join us at the 2024 Annual Conventions of the European Consumer Credit industry and of the European Leasing industry in Spain. The Conventions are held in parallel at the same location in order to offer a unique meeting platform to business leaders active in these sectors. They are the only yearly events organised by the industry for the industry at European level.

In the ever-evolving world of leasing and finance, innovation is the key to staying ahead. The Leaseurope Future Group, a concept introduced by the CEO Business Council in 2013, has been at the forefront of nurturing innovation and fresh perspectives within the European leasing industry for over a decade. At the upcoming 2023 Annual Convention, this group of promising young talents, in collaboration with Invigors EMEA, will present their innovative solutions, addressing critical industry priorities.

Driving Innovation: The Leaseurope Future Group

Paul Johnson-Ferguson and Ian Robertson, Executive Directors of Invigors EMEA, serve as the Co-Chairs of the Leaseurope Future Group. Their role as session chairs for this year’s presentation demonstrates the group’s commitment to fostering creativity and fresh thinking within the leasing community.

The Leaseurope Future Group is not just a platform for young talents; it’s a driving force of change within the industry. Each year, the group develops winning ideas, guided and supported by experts from Invigors and Leaseurope. These ideas tackle some of the most pressing industry concerns and priorities. In 2023, the group will focus on three critical areas:

  1. Data and making the best use of it
  2. Sustainability and ESG
  3. Dealing with the new realities in Economy

A Decade of Impact

Over the past ten years, the Leaseurope Future Group has been a beacon of innovation and collaboration. With the active support of Associate member Invigors, the group has initiated numerous successful projects. It has brought together 135 alumni from various disciplines, member firms, and countries. During this time, the group has generated more than 100 groundbreaking ideas that have made a tangible impact on the industry.

A Permanent Fixture at the Annual Conventions

The Leaseurope Convention has been featuring the Future Group session since 2013, and it has become a permanent highlight of the event. This session not only showcases emerging industry leaders but also provides a platform to present their innovative ideas to a wider audience. The ideas presented by the 2023 Future Group in Vienna will later be compiled into a report, which will be shared with the leasing industry, ensuring that their insights and innovations reach a broader audience.

In a world where adaptability and forward-thinking are essential, the Leaseurope Future Group stands as a testament to the industry’s commitment to progress. As these young talents take the stage at the 2023 Annual Convention, their innovative solutions are sure to inspire and shape the future of the European leasing industry. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to witness the future of leasing in action.
